Monday, March 2, 2020

Russia - Krasnopol Guided Round

Krasnopol - Russian Guided Artillery Round

Source: vaso opel

The 2K25 Krasnopol[ is a Soviet 152/155 mm cannon-launched, fin-stabilized, base bleed-assisted, semi-automatic laser-guided, artillery weapon system. It automatically 'homes' on a point illuminated by a laser designator, typically operated by a ground-based artillery observer.

 Krasnopol projectiles are fired mainly from Soviet self-propelled howitzers such as the 2S3 Akatsiya and 2S19 Msta-S and intended to engage small ground targets such as tanks, other direct fire weapons, strong-points, or other significant point targets visible to the observer. 

It can be used against both stationary and moving targets (providing these remain within the observer's field of view).